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Hello My Visionary!

Master The Art of Balancing Life & Business Like a Leading Lady


K.I.S.H Magazine
NHQ Magazine
Sister Leaders Magazine
Daily Faith
Gleaning Dreamers Magazine

Are you looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker?

“A lady leads with a heart of gold. A royalty leads with a Midas touch. An angel leads with a voice of hope.” - Dr. Portia Basham

Dr. Portia Basham is an engaging and dynamic speaker who will leave your guests inspired and motivated. She has spoken to audiences around the world on topics including women’s empowerment, leadership, and purpose-driven living. Her message is authentic, powerful, and relevant to today’s woman. If you are looking for an unforgettable experience that will leave your guests feeling inspired and motivated then look no further than Dr. Portia Basham!

You can book Dr. Portia as the keynote speaker at your next conference or event! With her expertise in the above areas she will deliver a memorable talk that leaves everyone wanting more. Don’t wait any longer

Keynote Topics

The Holistic Woman

What is a holistic woman? Simply put, it is a lady in leadership balancing family, home and work life in a cohesive arrangement.   


Dr. Portia offers a holistic approach to living for today's woman in leadership roles. She provides guidance and counsel on refining structure, creating balance, and strengthening interpersonal relationships. Through her teachings, she helps to maximize marriages, foster spiritual well-being, and develop solid business strategies.


Each topic is designed to offer tools for enlightened self-care, personal discovery and growth into more advanced stages of success and confidence. Her ultimate goal is to serve as a mentor who guides women in reaching their personal and professional potentials.

Leading Like A Lady

Having the right mindset is key to achieving success when it comes to female leadership. It takes a special combination of stamina, perseverance, and class to lead effectively, particularly as a woman.


Dr. Portia will help guide your audience on their journey to becoming a successful leader by teaching them how to strengthen their inner voice and express it in a confident way.  This can be challenging as many times our biggest obstacle is our own self-doubt. With Dr. Portia's teachings your audience will learn how to harness the power within themself on their way to become a strong leading lady.

Branding/Rebranding Development

Business rebranding is an important process that needs to be approached carefully and with a clear purpose. Through Dr. Portia's teaching, you will learn essential steps for finding your organizational purpose, mission, and vision. With these fundamentals corralled and sharpened to their utmost potential, your audience can set up a successful execution plan that helps reach their desired business goals.


This includes developing a concise business mission statement along with a clear business vision, discovering why you do what you do and creating a compelling story that communicates it all effectively. 

Dr. Portia Basham



Your Visionary  Strategist

Dr. Portia Basham




ready to get started

cause I can be your best friend in biz!

Dr. Portia offers her clients an invaluable service called “Building Like a Leading Lady.” This service is a unique brand strategy session to help women entrepreneurs build a solid and successful brand.  She starts by helping them develop a clear and concise plan for making their brand stand out. She then helps her clients build a plan to communicate their brand's unique selling points in a way that resonates with their customers. By the end of the 60 minutes session, her clients have also created a plan on how to build an emotional connection with their customers that will last for years to come.

Contact Coach Portia today to learn more about how Building Like A Leading Lady can help you grow your business to the next level.

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